Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Everyday is a new adventure
Same surrounding's, new discoveries
You are walking steady now, even running
Sweet memories of you.

A little over a year in this world, and yet you know so much.
It seems like just yesterday, I taught you your first word in sign
Today you speak with confidence without even making a sound.
Sweet memories of you.

I try to steer you out of harms way,
But whatever seems forbidden is all that more exciting
You know you should not touch that or go there!
But with a mischievous smile and a twinkle in your eye
You approach ever so slightly.
Sweet memories of you.

What is that you hear? A melody?
Time to move those arms, one faster than the other,
Like you are conducting an orchestra.
Now back and forth goes your head
Careful don't lose your balance as you turn around in delight.
Sweet memories of you.

You understand me now when I say I love you!
You make a kissing sound every time,
That same kissing sound that I wake up to every morning,
As you greet me with the sweetest of smiles.
Sweet memories of you.

You are slowly becoming more at ease around people,
Yet still you scream like an alarm, if that first impression is not good.
And just when I think my baby is no longer a mommy's girl,
The only one who can truly comfort you is me!
Sweet memories of you.

Sometimes I get so busy with day to day things,
And i don't think you even notice me.
Then someone says, "you know she follows every single move you make."
Sweet memories of you.

I teach you kindness and how to be gentle.
You understand this concept already
I think you have given every one of your toys a kiss a thousand times or more.
Sweet memories of you.

Your favorite place? Snuggled in your baby carrier close to my heart.
Your favorite object? Your soft blanket that caresses your cheek.
Favorite person to hug? Your big brother.
Favorite animal? Birds, tweet tweet tweet.
Sweet memories of you.

When you laugh, you giggle as your hand covers your little mouth.
As if someone has just told you the funniest joke in the world.
When you cry, you really cry! We can all feel your pain.
When someone else laughs, you laugh too.
When someone cries, I can see the compassion in your little eyes.
Sweet memories of you.

You love books, you flip through ones with pictures and ones without.
You are very gentle and do not tear.
You like to point out what you see, especially pictures of a mommy or daddy.
Your little head tilts to one side as you try to comprehend the story.
Sweet memories of you.

What is that I hear? A car pulling up in the driveway?
I say "Daddy is home!!!"
You hurry to greet him, you cannot run fast enough.
Up on your toes now, your eyes peer over the gate.
Daddy lifts you up, as you rest your little head on one shoulder,
Your tiny hand gently taps his other shoulder.
That is just your way of saying; "I am so happy you are home Daddy!"
Sweet memories of you.

These are my sweet memories of you, my darling daughter.
I write them down today, so that we may share them together tomorrow.

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